
Videos of Jetson - 2nd year

> back to young Jetson

Here are some videos of Jetson from his 2nd year.

Jetson Golf Star (Oct 2011)

Much to his granny's delight, Jetson is showing some good early golfing (and walking!) skills.

Jetson Navigates (Oct 2011)

All of a sudden Jetson worked out how to change direction in his walker and now he scoots around the house


Jetson's first steps (Aug 2011)

Hooray, Jetson is now taking quite a few steps. He likes to only walk between the two of us - he knows that we will catch him! Thanks to Olive for taking the video.


Walking Frame (June 2011)

Jetson with his first (and hopefully only) walking frame after one day. I am sure he says at the end "I can Walk!"


Pulling himself up (June 2011)

Learning to Walk (May 2011)


Dancing and saying cheese (May 2011)


Shuffler (Feb 2010)


Steps (Dec 2010)

Jetson on our front steps, I'm ready to catch him.

Clever Stacker (Nov 2010)

Jetson demonstrating good arm control and strength. He has come a long way, helped by great determination.


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